Premarital counseling is a requirement for many marrying officials and organizations. For many couples, premarital counseling can create some anxiety. Couples might worry that something will be revealed that would suggest they shouldn’t get married. They might also view the PREPARE inventory as a test that they will either pass or fail, and the therapist as the judge who can either give them papers to freedom or condemn them to further therapy. I can assure you this is not the case. Premarital counseling helps couples work through foundational principles for healthy relationships. Along with these exercises, I work to cultivate openness toward dialogue and greater understanding of each other as individuals and the uniqueness of your relationship.
I have used the PREPARE / ENRICH inventory for premarital counseling since 2001. The inventory and it’s recommended core exercises can be covered in six one-hour sessions or three two-hour sessions. The inventory is purchased ($30) and completed online by the couple. After completion of the inventory, we'll meet to discuss the results.